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SEO: Optimize/Reverse Blog Title After Post Title in Search Engines

by Unknown | Thursday, May 24, 2012 | 270 Comments

Let me share with you how to reverse your blog title, blog title is a band of text that appear at the top of your browser. Though some Bloggers also have this article on there blog, but i think i have to share this with you my readers too. If you reverse the page title of your blog, your post title will appear first before your blog title, which will help you to get more visitors to your blog and help you to improve your traffic and search engine rank, this is know as SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
A well constructed title will help you in boosting your blog position in SERP (Search Engine Result Page) Listing, and this is a "must do" for every bloggers.

Before you reverse your blogger title the initial view will look as follow.

After you must have reverse your blog/site, in search engine your blog title will display as shown below.

Now to make your post title to be appear first in search engine, simply follow the few steps below.

> Login to your blogger dashboard
> Go to Design (old interface) for new interface click Template
> Click Edit HTML, remember to Back up your Template
> Use ctrl F on your keyboard to find the code below.


Replace it with the code shown below

 <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>

when you paste the code in your HTML, it should appear like the image below.

Click "SAVE TEMPLATE", then you are done.
Your post title will automatically come first before your blog title, this doesn't take effect immediately, google will have to crawl your blog first before it changes.
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