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Add Meta Tags (Descriptions & Keywords) To Blogger Blog For Better SEO

by Unknown | Saturday, June 16, 2012 | 7 Comments

meta tags for descriptions keywords
Adding meta tags to your blog is another great way of increasing your search engines ranking. In this tutorial am about to share with you, i will be discussing with you the best way you can add meta tags to your blog without meta duplication.
Meta tags are HTML tag that provide information about a blog. The meta description give a short summary of what your blog is all about to the search engine for proper indexing. In keyword meta tag, you must provide a keyword phrase relevant to your blog content. Usually blogger template is not well optimize with keyword and description, which will greatly affect your search engine ranking.
The problem about meta tags in blogger template was that, every articles you have writing so far will share the same code snippet, which search engine like google will consider as duplication of meta tags, so for you to avoid this, simply follow the few steps below.

How To Add Meta Tags To Your Blogger Template

The procedure below will apply your meta keywords to pages and apply your meta description to homepage only.
  • Log-in to your blogger dashboard
  • Click on "Design" > "Edit HTML" > back up your template
  • Mark/Tick "Expand Widget Templates"
  • Use ctrl F to find the following code
<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

Copy and paste the following code below the code above.

<meta content='PUT KEYWORDS HERE SEPARATED BY COMMAS' name='keywords'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<meta content='PUT DESCRIPTIONS HERE SEPARATED BY COMMAS' name='description'/>
  • Replace PUT KEYWORDS HERE SEPARATED WITH COMMAS with keywords related to your blog content
  • Replace PUT DESCRIPTIONS HERE SEPARATED WITH COMMAS with you blog description.
Example : I will be using this blog as an example, and after replacement, your final result should look like the example below.

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
<meta content='Blogger tips,SEO,Adsense,Tutorials,Tricks' name='keywords'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<meta content='Learn Blogging Tips and Tricks' name='description'/>
  • Click "SAVE TEMPLATE" when you are done with your editing.
Note : To avoid any error, take this into consideration.
  • Make sure your title tag do not exceed 60 characters
  • Meta descriptions - 150 maximum characters
  • Meta keywords - 200 maximum characters
How To Confirm Your Meta Tags

You can use the following online meta tags analyzer to confirm the different between your post pages url and homepage url.
  1. Seocentro Analyzer
  2. Submitexpress Analyzer
  3. Scrubtheweb Analyzer 
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7 comments : Post Yours! Read Comment Policy ▼
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  1. Thank you for the tip, just did it. Does it really help and how long does it take till I will see the difference?

    Dusana :-)


    1. Meta description and keyword is so much important when talking about SEO, Keep posting quality content and you will see a great changes in your blog.

  2. This is great, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge on this :)

  3. Yeahh.. this is most imp step every blogger should follow.. I have made META TAG GENERATOR for it which makes you more easy to build a meta tab for you any post... thanks..

    ProblogBooster.com-how to blog-Internet-Facebook-Computer Tricks

  4. "Hi Durodola!

    I do believe that if we really want to increase our search engine ranking, then it is very important that we add meta tags to our blog. Thank you very much for guiding us on how to add meta tags to our blogger template.


  5. Your site is great one....keep it up....

  6. Very helpful Post. Thanks for providing such a great Meta Tag Generator Tool for Blogger, I'm very helpful because of this Meta Tag Generator for Blogger. Now i can quickly index my links. Thanks


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