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Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails For Blogger Blog

by Unknown | Thursday, January 03, 2013 | 29 Comments

This recent posts widget is a cool widget that can be found on most blogger or wordpress hosted site, but what makes this one to stand out, is that it shows the date in which the post was published, number of comments and more link button.
In my previous post, i shared a post on how to add recent post widget by feedburner and how to customize it using CSS, so you can go for that, if you are interested in recent post widget without thumbnail.

How To Add Recent Post Widget

  • Go to your blogger dashboard
  • Click on Layout > Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript
  • Copy and paste the following code in the content box.

<style type='text/css'>
img.recent_thumb {padding:1px;width:55px;height:55px;border:0;
.recent_posts_with_thumbs {float: left;width: 100%;min-height: 70px;margin: 5px 0px 5px 0px;padding: 0;font-size:12px;}
ul.recent_posts_with_thumbs li {padding-bottom:5px;padding-top:5px;min-height:65px;}
.recent_posts_with_thumbs a {text-decoration:none;}
.recent_posts_with_thumbs strong {font-size:10px;}</style>
<script style='text/javascript' src='http://www.webaholic.co.in/other/recent-posts-widget-with-images.js'></script>
<script style='text/javascript'>
var numposts = 5;
var showpostthumbnails = true;
var displaymore = true;
var displayseparator = true;
var showcommentnum = true;
var showpostdate = true;
var showpostsummary = true;
var numchars = 100;</script>
<script src='http://www.YOUR-BLOG-URL.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?orderby=published&alt=json-in-script&callback=showrecentpostswiththumbs'></script>

  • To change the number of post to be displayed, simply find var numposts = 5 and replace 5 with your desired number.
  • Replace YOUR-BLOG-URL to your blog url
  • Click on the Save button.
That's all!
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29 comments : Post Yours! Read Comment Policy ▼
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  1. http://www.Saeedbaba.com

    how i blog make beautiful and rank increase

  2. Nice widgetm using it on my blog now

  3. Can you help me regarding label widget? like you have your own. I want this menu bar like you have. please. http://crackmodo.blogspot.com/

  4. Replies
    1. how to add drop-down menu on my blog - www.tirthpatel-all-in-one.blogspot.com

      please help me to add drop-down menu

  5. how to add related post widget on blog ?

  6. I tried it but the separator seems to be distorted, don't know why. So I simply added the RSS feed widget.

    1. I figured the problem was with my template CSS.

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  8. Thanks it is awesome and handsomly working in my blog.Thanks for the great help.recent post widget is vital for getting pageviews on new posts and you made this happen for me. Recent Post Widget

  9. Sir i added the wadgets according to your directions but the wadgets not appeared on the side bar of my site. Please visit here

  10. Hi. My blog is listed on other blogs, but it just shows as a title, while others have a thumbnail of their latest image and the title of their latest post. Can you tell me how to make my blog display like that? An example is my listing "Lamb Island" at http://sydney-eye.blogspot.com.au/

    Hope you can help. Thanks.

  11. This is a very user friendly blog and I have just bookmarked it so I could make a visit here more often.
    The design is very nice as well, so keep up the good work.
    Two thumbs up from me.
    Thanks a lot!

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  15. Any workaround for recent posts without external javascript? May be hosting it within the template itself.

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