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Keeping it Simple with Responsive Web Design - Infographic

Responsive Web Design is being hailed as an excellent solution to the problem of keeping all visitors to your website happy, regardless of whether they are browsing via a smartphone, tablet or PC.

The fundamental concept that is the driving force behind responsive web design is referred to as progressive enhancement or PE for short. It is based on the premise that designs need to be built from the ground up, so that a website design is capable of being seen in its best light and is still user-friendly regardless of whether the platform being used by the surfer is the most suitable or not.

PE is driven by the belief that the primary goal is to optimize a website for mobile users, with any added enhancements to keep PC users happy, added at a later stage. When you consider that an estimated 60% of all daily internet surfers use a mobile device in order to access content online, you can soon appreciate why it is so important to use Responsive Web Design, and why you risk alienating potential customers or visitors to your site, who may quickly navigate away again if the site is not as responsive as they would like or the pages do not offer optimized viewing.

Making Responsive Web Design an integral part of your site is not as challenging as you might believe, even some relatively small but subtle adjustments to your existing site can offer you the chance to provide content and images that are scaled based on proportions, which means than your website will look great to both a mobile web user and a PC user.

This infographic helps to explain what is behind Responsive Web Design and helps to illustrate why a user-friendly website that accommodates a growing number of mobile web users, is going to have a competitive advantage over sites that do not make allowances for the different types of surfers who are accessing their website.


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6 comments : Post Yours! Read Comment Policy ▼

  1. The more simple you make your stuff, the more easy it is to understand for people, always be responsive as per the Option trading Tips.

  2. Great information here in this article about web development company. If you want to build a website you can contact IT Verticals

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  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Well, providing a responsive web design has become essential to make website accessible regardless of the devices because the number of handheld device users is increasing. Your infographic is very interesting and informative. Instead of developing a separate mobile version, designers should make website responsive. Nowadays, creating responsive web design has become an essential goal of many website designing companies. Thanks for sharing this post. For more similar tips and to avail services from one of the best web designing companies, visit http://www.damiestechnologies.com/web-graphic-design.html

  5. Good post. If you are looking for web design company Mumbai then choose best company who design SEO friendly website for your business that help you to increase your ranking in major search engines and increase traffic towards site.


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